
SearchController không tìm được view: "".


3819     {
3820         if(($viewFile=$this->getViewFile($view))!==false)
3821         {
3822             $output=$this->renderFile($viewFile,$data,true);
3823             if($processOutput)
3824                 $output=$this->processOutput($output);
3825             if($return)
3826                 return $output;
3827             else
3828                 echo $output;
3829         }
3830         else
3831             throw new CException(Yii::t('yii','{controller} cannot find the requested view "{view}".',
3832                 array('{controller}'=>get_class($this), '{view}'=>$view)));
3833     }
3834     public function renderClip($name,$params=array(),$return=false)
3835     {
3836         $text=isset($this->clips[$name]) ? strtr($this->clips[$name], $params) : '';
3837         if($return)
3838             return $text;
3839         else
3840             echo $text;
3841     }
3842     public function renderDynamic($callback)
3843     {

Stack Trace

 /home/fduiohpphosting/public_html/nhaxinhhatinh.vn/protected/components/PublicController.php(90): CController->renderPartial("", array("data" => array(), "totalitem" => 0, "limit" => "10", "keyword" => "1", ...), true)
85     //
86     public function render($view, $data = null, $return = false) {
87         if ($this->beforeRender($view)) {
88             Yii::app()->clientScript->registerScriptFile(Yii::app()->baseUrl . '/js/web3nhat.min.js?v=' . VERSION, CClientScript::POS_END);
89             Yii::app()->clientScript->registerCssFile(Yii::app()->baseUrl . '/css/main.min.css?v=' . VERSION);
90             $output = $this->renderPartial($view, $data, true);
91             $output.= $this->widget('common.widgets.managerwidget.managerwidget', array(), true);
92             $output.= $this->widget('common.widgets.statistic.statistic', array(), true);
93             // widget nhận thông báo
94             $output.= $this->widget('Flashes', array(), true);
95             // add custom style to out put
 /home/fduiohpphosting/public_html/nhaxinhhatinh.vn/protected/modules/search/controllers/SearchController.php(169): PublicController->render("", array("data" => array(), "totalitem" => 0, "limit" => "10", "keyword" => "1", ...))
164             $this->render($view, array(
165                 'data' => $data,
166                 'totalitem' => $totalcount,
167                 'limit' => $pagesize,
168                 'keyword' => $keyword,                
169                 'order' => $data1,            
171             ));
172             //
173         // } else {
174             // $this->render('error', array(
 /home/fduiohpphosting/public_html/nhaxinhhatinh.vn/common/components/WebApplication.php(33): CWebApplication->runController("search/search/search")
28      * that Apache polls its processes to see if they're alive. This function causes
29      * Yii to respond without logging errors.
30      */
31     public function runController($route) {
32         try {
33             parent::runController($route);
34         } catch (CHttpException $e) {
35             if (@$_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'OPTIONS' && @$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] == '*') {
36                 Yii::app()->end('Hello, friend!');
37             } else
38                 throw $e;
2024-04-18 23:28:38 LiteSpeed Yii Framework/1.1.15